Labyrinth Walk in Auburn, CA

Labyrinth walk in Auburn…..walking the labyrinth is like witnessing ones own walk on the spiritual path…..take your shoes off and walk with bare feet. Feel the pebbles beneath, some sharp, some crumbled and smooth. The crumbled pebbles are a comfort as I know that others have walked the path before me. I bless the ones before me and those who come after. I stop for a moment on the path and look around.. The trees are bending, each has a partner in the dance of life. A bird flies from one tree to another. I stretch my arms up and feel the wind, and then move on. Sharpness of the pebbles make me picture Jesus carrying the cross to his own death. I haven’t thought of Jesus for a long time. I breath in the vision and stop. Suddenly I am on my knees in the path of this labyrinth. A wind blows, my friend who is walking this also, we look at each other. Both of us are on the path feeling this moment. We are not alone10481717_599160283536261_7636647774066883599_n

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